New environmentally-friendly lights were switched on this week to mark the completion of the last stages of the major maintenance scheme on the A12 at Hatfield Peverel.

The road-side lighting has been installed along a mile-long stretch of the A12 as part of the recent resurfacing and safety improvement scheme.

The lights will help to reduce accidents at night and are of a modern design which shines light down onto the carriageway and minimises light pollution.

Highways Agency project manager Jamie Hassall said: "Work on the A12 carriageway itself was completed ahead of schedule on February 18.

"This week has seen the final stages of the project with the lights being switched on Tuesday night and work on the three Hatfield Peverel overbridges completed the next day.

"The lights have been installed as part of the Government's plan to reduce accidents on the road network, and a lighting scheme like this one would typically reduce night-time accidents by a third."

The £6.3m resurfacing and safety improvement scheme began in October 2001 and is part of a major programme to replace the worn-out surface of the A12 with a quieter, smoother and safer surface.

Published Monday, March 25, 2002