An investigation into working practices at a day centre for adults with learning disabilities has found there was "cause for serious concern".

Southend Council, Essex County Council and Essex Police launched a joint probe last October after "allegations of a serious nature" were made regarding RE House, a privately-run resource and education complex in Ness Road, Shoebury.

The allegations are believed to centre around joint partner Carol Carr.

Penny Furness-Smith, director of integrated care services on behalf of Southend Council and Southend Primary Care Trust, said: "An investigation was led by Southend Council in partnership with Essex County Council following receipt of a number of allegations which had to be taken seriously concerning the welfare of vulnerable adults.

"The investigation was done independently of both councils, and the outcome of that investigation was shared with the owners."

She added: "The outcome that both local authorities agreed with was that there was a cause for serious concern, and both Southend and Essex are working with the owners and the management of RE House to protect the adults and ensure the highest quality of care is provided for the people that we purchased the services for.

"The investigation did highlight areas of practices that could be improved and an action plan to address this is currently with the owners."

Mrs Carr has maintained her innocence since the start of the investigation and she has received a large number of letters of support from service users.

Mrs Carr's husband Jim, also a partner, said that they did not wish to make a comment at this time.

Published Monday, March 25, 2002