Suspected bogus officials visited at least two more Colchester homes over the weekend.

At Ladbrook Drive, Old Heath a man who claimed to be from the council called at an elderly woman's home and said he wanted to check the water pressure.

She let him into the kitchen and although nothing was stolen, she was suspicious and reported the incident to police after he had left.

The man was in his 30s with short hair and a grey jumper and called at about 11.30am on Saturday.

Then at about 8pm the same day, at Canterbury Road, New Town, a caller aged 16 to 19 with dark skin and a foreign-sounding accent tried to talk his way into another home.

He was wearing a red puff jacket and said he was there to read a meter but the resident did not let him in.

He became persistent but the householder stood firm until he eventually went away. The same caller is believed to have tried other houses in the area.

Anyone with information is asked to contact Colchester police on 01206 762212 or Crimestoppers on 0800 555111

Published Monday, March 25, 2002