Thief Dean Fraser, described by a judge as "a one-man crime wave", has been locked up for four years.

Fraser, 19, often preyed on elderly women, leaving them shocked and in tears, Basildon Crown Court heard.

In sentencing Fraser to a young offenders' institution, Judge Zoe Smith said: "You caused each of these ladies great distress and trauma."

One of his victims was an 80-year-old in the Grays Court care home, Church Street, Grays.

The defendant crept into her room and stole her handbag which contained £100, said Maria Dineen, prosecuting.

She added that the helpless victim, who had a heart problem, was so devastated by what happened that she cried for long periods afterwards and her health has been badly affected.

In another case, a woman had her bag snatched by Fraser. It contained £200. She tried to give chase, but collapsed on the ground, said Miss Dineen.

Later, at a Purfleet pub the defendant saw a woman's handbag on the floor by her side. He placed his hand around her legs and grabbed the bag.

There was a chase and Fraser got away. However, he later returned to retrieve one of his trainers, said Miss Dineen.

Police were called and Fraser, who comes from Grays but has no fixed address, was arrested.

He confessed to the theft. On another occasion he picked up a till, which contained about £200, in the Candy Shell newsagents, Bridge Road, Grays.

He also stole a handbag with £60 inside, belonging to an assistant. She dialled 999.

Fraser was chased by officers and dropped the till. He smelled of alcohol and police suspected he was drunk, said Miss Dineen.

He pleaded guilty to robbery, two counts of burglary and two of theft.

Fraser was said to have a history of offending, dating back to 1993. It included burglary, theft, handling stolen goods, car crime, shoplifting and drug-related matters.

Published Monday, March 25, 2002