Plans to open Essex's first cannabis cafe have been narrowed down to near Witham's Humber Road estate. Reporter MICHAEL POWELL asked residents what they thought of the idea.

Controversial it may be. But not everyone is against the idea of a Dutch-style pot smoking den being opened in Witham.

Last week, we told how a mystery investor was keen to open a cannabis cafe in the town.

And now Chris Philbin, a member of the Legalise Cannabis Alliance, who wants to manage the cafe, has confirmed the proposed site is an empty unit at the Spa Road shops, near the Humber Road estate.

The coffee shop could be one of more than a dozen around the country if the Government implements plans to downgrade cannabis from a Class B to Class C drug.

Mr Philbin believes the cafe could be a community resource and would keep youngsters off the streets.

He said: "There's an empty property in the local parade of shops and one reason I'd be interested in taking it over is so that you could have a community cafe on the estate.

"It would keep the youngsters off the streets and away from alcohol."

Essex Police have previously reiterated that cannabis is an illegal substance and that those found possessing or using it will be dealt with accordingly.

Published Monday, March 25, 2002