Police have warned residents to be on their guard against bogus callers after cash was stolen from an elderly man and two attempted thefts by bogus electricity men.

The first incident happened in a flat in Gull Court, Thorpe, at 12.30pm on Wednesday when the elderly occupant answered the door to two men claiming to be from the electricity board.

They asked to check the fuses but it became apparent the men were not company officials and they were asked to leave. Nothing was stolen but it was obvious cupboards had been searched.

The second incident happened at Holland Place, Holland Road, Frinton, where a partially-deaf 85-year-old woman answered the door to a man who said he was from the electricity board.

He asked the woman to change her television channel to see if it was working while he took a look around. He left without taking anything.

In a separate incident yesterday a resident of Howard Vys Court at Clacton who suffers from Parkinson's Disease discovered £100had been stolen from a desk.

Two men whom he believed were among those working there at the time had gone to his door, asking to do something inside. One went into the kitchen and the other went in other rooms.

Anyone with information should contact Clacton police on 01255 221312 or Crimestoppers on 0800 555111

Published Friday, March 22, 2002