Badly-parked cars in Southend's streets are causing severe delays which could cost lives, firefighters have warned.

Tight squeeze - badly parked cars make life a nightmare for firemen. Picture: LUAN MARSHALL 87LVW6

Crews launched an urgent public appeal for motorists to take care parking their cars, allowing enough room for a fire appliance to get through.

It follows a series of incidents in which fire engines have been forced to slow down and squeeze up narrow streets made worse by poorly-parked cars.

Southend station commander Martyn Hodder said: "Our business depends on a rapid response and every minute we are delayed could mean the difference between life and death."

Firefighter Jeff Whiskin said: "This sort of problem is very common in Southend.

"We often have to stop and sound our horn before someone comes out to move their vehicle. On other occasions we even bump the cars out of the way."

Mr Hodder said blocked roads are a continual problem. Last August leaflets were posted through letterboxes in Cromwell Road, Southend, after an appliance couldn't get down the street.

Published Friday, March 22, 2002