Artists who live or work in Essex are being invited to enter a contemporary art competition being run by the Epping Forest District Museum.

A spokesman for the museum - which is based in Sun Street, Waltham Abbey - said that the organisers of the Artists in Essex competition were also keen to attract entries from the London boroughs that historically formed part of the county.

The spokesman added: "From the works submitted the judges will select around 70 pieces to form an exhibition at the museum from May 4 to July 9.

"The two winning entries will receive cash prizes and a number of artworks will be purchased for the museum's collection of contemporary work by Essex artists."

News of the competition was this week welcomed by the Epping Forest District Council portfolio holder for leisure and health, Cllr Jon Whitehouse.

He said: "Artists in Essex is one of the highlights of the museum's exhibition programme and provides a wonderful showcase for the wealth of artistic talent in the county."

The competition is open to artists aged 18 or over. The closing date for entries is Friday, April 12, with judging due to take place on Wednesday, April 24.

For further details, or to request an application form, call Tony O'Connor at the museum on 01992 716882.

Published Friday, March 22, 2002