An expedition by Essex Police officers to Romania has been given a kick-start thanks to Colchester United Football Club.

Charity strip - Mickey Cook, of Colchester United, presenting sports equipment to PC Tina Rolyes ad Chief Supt Dave Murthwaite. Picture: NIGEL BROWN (20376-1)

The club has presented sport equipment, including football boots, balls and kits, to officers who will take the gear with them to benefit orphans during their trip in May.

It was spurred into action after hearing PC Tina Royles, who plays for the club's ladies team, was also on board after responding to an appeal for keen sports men and women.

At the Layer Road ground, Chief Supt Dave Murthwaite accepted the items from club officials ready for the trip.

They will also taking other vital equipment, including kitchenware and bedding, and will spend time working at the orphanage in the village of Breaza.

The police officers will head out to Romania on Friday, May 17.

Published Friday, March 22, 2002