The future of the Occidental Jetty could be decided in four weeks time - but the owners are pinning their hopes on a last-minute rescue package.

Staying or going? The mile-long Canvey jetty

Demolishing the mile-long Canvey landmark has been considered, but two unnamed redevelopment companies are in the frame to take it over.

The £10m jetty was originally built for an oil storage depot, but it fell into the hands of liquidators before its completion in 1976 and has never been used.

Things looked brighter in 1999 when it was purchased by Newcastle-based site redevelopment company, Blue Lark.

Within four weeks the owners hope to know if the jetty can be saved - or if it will be dismantled. A spokesman for Blue Lark said two companies were interested.

Castle Point Council's chairman of town planning Tony Hurd thinks the jetty is bad for Canvey and should be demolished.

However, Tory councillor Ray Howard is keen to see to jetty developed.

He said: "I don't like to see a waste and I think it is criminal to demolish something that cost £10m. Especially now when scrap values are low and when P&O are regenerating the Thames Gateway.

"There may be some part Canvey can play in that - particularly if it still has a jetty that it one of the longest in the world."

Published Friday, March 22, 2002