A get-tough scheme to crack down on inconsiderate commuters parking outside a train station has been hailed a success.

Police threatened to ticket cars parked outside South Woodham Ferrers train station last month following a barrage of complaints.

Residents were fed up with commuters leaving cars parked on corners, across driveways and opposite junctions when they ran for their trains.

However, train users appear to have got the message following the conclusion of a hard-hitting poster campaign launched by police to warn of the new tactics.

Just three tickets were issued during the month-long experiment.

Chief Insp Chris MacIntosh, of South Woodham Ferrers police, who launched the crackdown, said: "As far as I am concerned, it went very well. We only gave out three tickets, which is a success.

"It is noticeable that it is working and people do seem to be spreading their cars out a bit better."

Although the campaign has come to an end, the police will continue to monitor the situation and will issue penalty notices to any vehicles parked in a dangerous or obstructive manner in streets such as Champions Way, just 30 seconds walk from the station on Hullbridge Road.

The station car park remains largely unused because commuters do not want to pay the daily charges, but Great Eastern Trains said it had no plans to cut the £1.50 daily fee.

Published Friday, March 22, 2002