Colchester United stand to lose about £600,000 if ITV Digital pulls the plug on its ailing deal with the Nationwide Football League.

The modest Layer Road club is among a number of lower division teams facing hardship, in many cases ruin, if the threatened television cash crisis hits.

But U's chief executive Marie Partner today assured the club's fans there will still be a Colchester United next season.

She said: "If the television deal falls through we will have to revisit our budget. One thing we are good at at this club is good housekeeping. We will simply have to be more cautious."

The Football League threw out proposals from ITV Digital and parent companies Carlton and Granada to renegotiate the £315m deal signed last year.

Granada and Carlton say the financially-stricken TV station faces closure unless clubs accept less money and have offered £25m a year for the remaining two years of the deal, instead of the agreed £89.25m per year.

U's chairman Peter Heard, a representative of the Football League board involved in yesterday's negotiations, issued the following statement.

He said: "The League's view is that you cannot stop a contract halfway through in terms of paying just because one party to that contract perceives it to be a bad deal and for no other reason.

"Therefore, if the parent companies Granada and Carlton close ITV Digital down the League has been advised by its lawyers they can persue Carlton and Granada for the payment and will do so."

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Published Friday, March 22, 2002