West Essex Community Health Council will host a celebration of the life and work of Dr. Mary Cooper on May 29, at Foakes Hall in Dunmow.

Mary, who was a retired Public Health Consultant and Vice-Chairman of the Community Health Council (CHC), died unexpectedly in December 2001.

She was an active of the Health Service for many years and was widely known across West Essex. Uttlesford MP Sir Alan Haselhurst will preside over the event with members of Mary's family and colleagues speaking about her life and work.

A book of comments and pictures will be presented to her family to commemorate her life and any money raised from the event will be awarded to a local charity in agreement with Mary's family.

Chief Officer for West Essex CHC, Fiona Whittaker, said: "Unfortunately because Mary's death was so close to Christmas and was unexpected, many friends and colleagues did not know and were unable to attend her funeral.

"Many people have expressed their sadness and in view of this the CHC has decided to hold this event.

For further information please contact Fiona Whittaker, Chief Officer, West Essex Community Health Council, 1 West Square, Harlow CM20 1JJ or phone 01279 443875.

Published Friday, March 22, 2002