Drunken thugs and vandals are to face instant fines of up to £80 as part of a pilot scheme to be launched in Essex.

Under the project, police will issue tickets for £80 or £40 for a range of offences including drunkenness, obstructing a highway, throwing fireworks or buying alcohol for under-18s.

The scheme will be introduced across the whole of Essex and officers are hoping it will cut down the amount of paperwork they have to get through - freeing them up to get back on the beat.

An Essex Police spokeswoman said: "Essex will be taking part in the scheme although it is too early at the moment to give a date for when we will start bringing it in.

"We feel it will be worthwhile taking part because it will cut down on the bureaucracy and the paperwork the police have to get through and it will mean the police will then be able to get back out on the streets."

Published Friday, March 22, 2002