People power has scored a victory in Harold Hill in the ongoing fight against youth nuisance and vandalism.

Residents in Dagnam Park Drive have been terrorised by an endless siege of mindless yobs, whose activities included pulling a line of dustbins bags across the road in front of oncoming buses.

After pleas with the youths to consider their actions fell on deaf ears, local people instead turned to Cllr Yve Cornell who rallied a small meeting with them.

Also at the session was members of the Harold Hill Community Police Team and the council's Housing Office who listened to the problems and suggested ways forward, which have proved successful.

Cllr Cornell explained: "It was a very productive meeting and around 14 local people turned out to air their views."

Cllr Cornell added: "The police said that the best thing would be for residents to call them and give them exact details on what was happening so they could act best.

"They did this and Havering Police also made Dagnam Park Drive a priority area, meaning there were increased patrols and the good news is that it has worked and the problems have stopped. For the time being at least."

But Cllr Cornell stressed the importance that people keep an eye out for signs that the groups may be returning and also appealed to other small communities in Harold Hill to contact her or their local councillors.

To contact Cllr Cornell call 01708 222687 or e mail at

Published Thursday, March 21, 2002