There really is no place like gnome for Anita Morris, who has received some surprise house guests.

Bemused by gnome mystery - Anita Morris

On Mothering Sunday she awoke to find a gnome on her doorstep, accompanied by a note reading: "Please help me. I need somewhere to stay and was told you might be able to help."

The note was signed by Ernie and ended "PS I am house trained".

Anita, 51, manager of the Impact IM training centre for the long-term unemployed on North Hill, Colchester, said: "I laughed myself silly."

There was more to come. The next Sunday another gnome turned up on Anita's doorstep. According to the accompanying note, he was Nigel, Ernie's brother.

Quite why the nomadic gnomes have decided to live at Anita's Lexden home remains a mystery, but she said: "This Sunday I'm thinking about setting my alarm clock early to see what happens!"

Published Wednesday, March 20, 2002