Surgery has repeatedly been cancelled at an Eastwood clinic because a leaking roof means the operating room may not be sterile.

In pain - Cynthia Jones, forced to limp to work by the delays over her foot surgery. Picture: MAXINE CLARKE 89DYK2

Patient Cynthia Jones, of Kingfisher Drive, Benfleet, is still waiting for an operation on a hammer toe, originally scheduled for last November at Kent Elms clinic.

Mrs Jones, 58, an insurance clerk and tap dancer, said no blame could be attached to her consultant, Nick Richards, or clinic staff.

"They seem just as frustrated as I am. There must be many more patients who are probably in a worse state than myself - although I will probably have to give my job up soon because I have a 20-minute walk to the station and do not know how much longer I can continue it."

She described the situation as a "fiasco".

Andrew Geldard, finance director for Southend primary care trust, which rents the building's top floor, said the trust has been trying to find an alternative location for surgery but decided Orsett and Thurrock hospitals would not be convenient for Southend patients.

Mr Geldard said: "We are working with the GPs who own the building to try to get a resolution."

More in today's Evening Echo

Published Wednesday, March 20, 2002