Policeman Alan Ratnage is determined to give up the bacon butties and pint down the pub to do his bit for asthma sufferers.

Marathon effort - Alan Ratnage is giving up takeaways and TV to run the London Marathon

Alan, 36, who pounds the beat in Wickford, is defying his critics by running the London Marathon next month.

He freely admits he is not the fittest person in the world but says he is determined to prove his critics wrong by completing the gruelling course around the streets of the capital.

Alan, who suffers from mild asthma, also hopes to raise at least £1,250 for the National Asthma Campaign in the process.

He said: "This is the first time I have ever done a marathon and it could well be the last as well.

"There are a lot of people fitter than me and my decision to do this has been the subject of much amusement among my colleagues.

"I am determined to finish the course. I just don't know on what day I'll finish it."

Published Wednesday, March 20, 2002