Tough new laws to crack down on dog fouling in Rochford, including £25 spot fines, are due to come into force within the next couple of months.

Last July Rochford District Council agreed to adopt legislation which could see careless owners fined up to £1,000 and £5,000 was set aside for 20 new dog mess bins.

The motion was originally put forward by independent councillor John Mason in October 2000, but putting the law into practice has taken longer than anticipated.

Mr Mason, who represents Hawkwell West, said the council will now be advertising the implementation of the Dogs (Fouling of Land) Act 1996 within the next two weeks and there will then be time for people to make representations before the law is set in stone.

A council spokesman said: "We are in the process of adopting the Act. There are some legal processes we have to go through, but if that goes without a hitch we should see the new laws in place within the next two or three months."

Published Wednesday, March 20, 2002