Special measures designed to tackle seafront cruisers in Southend have been sabotaged - by a super-strength glue.

Padlocks securing gates blocking part of the seafront to boy racers have been filled with the sticky substance, police revealed.

The prank was discovered when officers went to open the gates. Chief Insp Tony Payne said: "This did not stop the gates from being either open or shut and we were still able to block off the seafront that night, but it was a bit of a nuisance. However, it only happened the once."

The gates were put in to stop the hundreds of cruisers who congregate on the seafront at weekends.

The gates are closed at 9pm on Friday and Saturday nights and diversion signs are put up. The gates are opened up again in the morning so visitors can get to the shops and arcades along the front.

Published Wednesday, March 20, 2002