Thurrock Talking Newspaper desperately needs help if it is to continue providing a vital link between visually impaired people and the community.

The weekly cassette tape, made up from stories and information from the Thurrock Gazette, has been delivered to visually impaired people around the borough by volunteers for the last 23 years.

For the last ten years, the service has operated out of rooms at South Ockendon police station thanks to the generosity of Essex Police.

There, the volunteers' recording and copying equipment was stored, and deliveries were made from the station.

However, last week the station announced it would no longer be able to provide the accommodation, and the Talking Newspaper has one week to find new premises.

A spokeswoman said: "In spite of radio appeals and numerous phone calls the Talking Newspaper is still homeless.

"The Talking Newspaper needs a safe room for its expensive equipment, and space for recording.

"Recording is done on Tuesday evenings and copying and delivery on Wednesdays. We are desperate."

Anyone who can help or would like to find out more can contact the secretary on 01375 373611.

Published Wednesday, March 20, 2002