A brazen thief grinned at his elderly victim and taunted her moments after he snatched her purse in a Shoebury superstore.

Police are investigating the theft as one of a series carried out at the Asda store in North Shoebury Road.

In each of the three crimes, elderly shoppers were singled out as targets for the thefts on Saturday morning and early afternoon.

While shopping, one victim, a woman in her seventies, felt her bag being pulled away from her and looked down to discover that her purse was missing.

A spokesman for Southend police said: "The man grinned and told her to tell security staff, then he walked off towards the exit."

The man was white, of slim build and around 5ft 11ins tall. He had an English accent, dark hair and wore a dark top and trousers.

Anyone with information can call Crimestoppers on 0800 555111

Published Wednesday, March 20, 2002