A council has pledged to continue to support an axe-threatened school.

At a meeting of Braintree Council's area committee last night, members agreed to maintain their support of Chapel Hill School.

The fate of the school was left hanging in the balance after a recent meeting of Essex County Council's cabinet when a decision to close the school was delayed to give it more time to show progress.

However, after the meeting, county councillor Iris Pummell chairman of the education board, said the school could not be left on special measures for much longer.

The school has been on special measures for nearly two years. Inspectors were concerned not enough progress was being made quickly enough.

Members of Essex County Council's cabinet are set to discuss the school again on Tuesday.

Lyn Green (Lab, Bocking South), who presented the agenda item last night, said: "Over the last year there has been considerable changes at the school and there is still a strong need for the school in this area.

"What we really want is for the school to remain open."

Published Wednesday, March 20, 2002