Former Maldon MP Lord Wakeham has stepped down permanently as head of the press watchdog, the Press Complaints Commission in the wake of the scandal over the collapse of energy giant Enron.

He had temporarily stepped aside at the end of January saying it was a "matter of honour" while he actively co-operated with inquiries made by an independent committee investigating the Enron affair.

Lord Wakeham had joined Enron in 1994, and tendered his resignation from the company - along with five other directors on February 13.

Lord Wakeham was MP for South Colchester and Maldon from 1974 to 1983.

This week, the body which funds the PCC, the Press Standards Board of Finance Ltd, said it had agreed "with regret" to Lord Wakeham's request to be released from his contract, with effet from September 1, when his successor will be announced.

Published Wednesday, March 20, 2002