This just isn't cricket. After all, it's not often Essex County Cricket Club's squad have to scale a 12 foot wall as part of its training.

Tarzan-like - Essex's Darren Robinson scales the Army assault course

But the army put the players through their paces at an assault course at Colchester Garrison.

They had not decided to try out for the Army - instead yesterday's away day was part of a varied programme of pre-season training culminating in a race against soldiers from 3 Para.

They took part in a typical Army physical training lesson and a specially designed team-building session. And they also found out how the Army helps injured soldiers get back to full physical fitness.

Then it was time for the assault course at Roman Barracks.

They had to jump a 6ft ditch, scramble through tunnels and tackle monkey bars before helping their team-mates over a daunting wall.

Head coach and former England and Essex captain Graham Gooch said: "We decided to come here for a change to do something different in terms of their fitness, to have fun and to see how people do different things.

"It's a team-building exercise."

Lance Corporal Tuan McDowell, from 3 Para who raced against the cricketers, said: "It's about having confidence in yourself. It's a totally different thing from what they're used to."

The Paras donned 20lb of webbing and carried their rifles as they raced against the cricketers to give them a fighting chance.

And it seemed to do the trick. Essex completed the course in six minutes 12 seconds and the Paras' time was seven minutes 40 seconds.

All-rounder Graham Napier said: "I found it very tough."

But he added the sense of achievement was excellent.

Wicket-keeper Barry Hyam doesn't like heights.

He said: "It's pretty nerve-wracking. Once you are up on the planks there's nothing to support you."

More on Essex County Cricket Club

Published Tuesday, March 19, 2002