New plans are set to be submitted in a school's bid to benefit pupils and the local community by selling off disused land.

Stanway School's original scheme to sell off its disused playing fields was rejected by Colchester councillors.

The school had applied with Persimmon Homes for outline planning permission for an extension and alterations to its Winstree Road premises, to provide teaching facilities, changing rooms and an all-weather sports area.

School governors met last night to discuss their next step and agreed that today the school's planning adviser Ray Riches should meet council representatives to see if a common ground can be reached, which would be acceptable to the school and the council.

If so, another planning application along those lines will be submitted with the school's appeal against the original refusal.

The original plans involved funding the project by selling off 17 acres of playing field area, which it says are surplus to requirements, to the builder for the creation of a residential development.

Published Tuesday, March 19, 2002