Gardening volunteers have been busy putting the finishing touches to a Clacton hospice's garden in time for a royal visit.

Finishing touches - Margaret Farrow and Gillian Jackson in the hospice day care centre garden. Picture: TERRY WEEDEN (20261-2)

The new St Helena Hospice Day Care Centre, in Jackson Road, Clacton, will be officially opened by the Duchess of Gloucester tomorrow and the hospice garden will be almost complete.

Margaret Farrow, who is responsible for the garden's development, said the hospice had received a £5,000 grant from the Millennium Awards Committee at the beginning of the year to create the garden.

Mrs Farrow said they have only been working in the garden for about six weeks, planting and organising the way it will look.

She said: "Most of the shrubs and plants are there apart from the summer flowers. We will be working through today and tomorrow to get the garden ready for the visit."

Published Tuesday, March 19, 2002