Elderly shoppers have been warned to keep an eye on their handbags after a series of "purse dippers" struck in the town centre.

Basildon police have been alerted to 11 incidents so far this year where elderly women have found their handbags were delved into and purses snatched.

One Echo reader wrote in after his 80-year-old mother was asked by a young boy in a town centre store to help pass groceries which he could not reach.

Acting Sgt Paul Ford, of Basildon's central section, said there was no hard evidence to suggest an individual or gang was operating in Basildon at weekends.

However, he added: "We would urge all shoppers to be aware of their own security.

"Handbags should be kept in view at all time, zipped up and not left open. Don't invite these purse dippers to try their luck."

Anyone with information should call Crimestoppers on 0800 555111

Published Tuesday, March 19, 2002