A former workmate of murder victim Anita Gordon has told of her shock at hearing of the 57-year-old Laindon woman's brutal death.

Gloria Holding, 67, who now lives in Milton Keynes, Buckinghamshire, said she worked alongside Anita at the Gordon's Gin factory in Fenton Way, Laindon, between 1983 and 1986.

The were both employed by the Winchester House Property Company, based in St James, London, to work in the cafeteria of the United Distillers and Vintners gin plant in Laindon.

Gloria said: "I was watching the news on Saturday and they mentioned the death and Anita's name. I just couldn't believe it."

Her enduring image of Anita was of a woman who took great care to be well turned out. She said: "Everything was perfect - her nails, her hair and her clothes. She paid a lot of attention to her appearance."

She added: "She was a very bubbly person and the opposite sex was attracted to her. She would always get a lot of looks from the men. She wouldn't suffer fools gladly and despite her slight frame she wasn't afraid to speak her mind."

Anita's body was discovered on Friday at her Rowenhall, Laindon, home. She had been repeatedly beaten around the head by a blunt instrument, which has yet to be recovered by police. Anyone with information should call Det Supt Win Bernard on 01277 262220 or Crimestoppers on 0800 555111

Published Tuesday, March 19, 2002