A national competition highlighting the success of inner city businesses has been expanded to Basildon and Thurrock firms for the first time.

The Inner City 100, an index recognising the fastest growing urban bus-inesses, has broadened its coverage this year from 15 to 70 eligible cities, towns and boroughs containing a specified number of "deprived" wards.

The aim of the scheme, organised by think tank the New Economics Foundation, is to find role models of inner city entrepreneurship and wealth creation.

Companies, which can be nominated by anyone, should be independent; have had a turnover of more than £25,000 in 1997 and £300,000 in 2001; have created jobs during that period and employed more than five people in 2001; and be socially and environmentally responsible.

The entrants will be ranked according to the growth in their gross revenues between 1997 and 2001. Details of the top 100 will be published in the Financial Times, with the winners being honoured at an awards ceremony.

Nominations can be made via the website at www.theinnercity100.org

Published Tuesday, March 19, 2002