A Riverside town could try to form a breakaway authority if it continues to be "treated with disdain" by Colchester borough.

Councillors in Wivenhoe are calling for an urgent meeting with chief executive of Colchester Council, Andrea Hill, because they are fed up with the way they are treated.

Chris Thompson said he was so fed up with the fact that Wivenhoe always seemed to be "treated with disdain", he may push forward the idea of having a referendum to make Wivenhoe an independent council.

But while many councillors agreed with the feeling the town was on the outside of things, they were also concerned attempts to become its own authority would be laughed at.

Mr Thompson said: "The point I am trying to make is we are consistently not involved in decisions made about us."

He said he thought the town should have protection from any future large developments.

Published Tuesday, March 19, 2002