A man has been locked up after a police raid on his home netted 130 ecstasy pills.

Jonathan Lilley, 19, got three years in a young offenders' institution after a court heard he had suffered a heart attack through using the drug.

Lilley, of Haven Court, Hatfield Peverel, admitted possessing the drug with intent to supply when he appeared at Chelmsford Crown Court for sentence.

Judge Christopher Ball QC told him he was keeping the sentence shorter than usual because of "glowing references" about Lilley.

The judge also said Lilley now recognised he had gone downhill because of his involvement in drugs.

The court heard how police armed with a search warrant went to Lilley's home on August 18 and found the pills in a kitchen drawer.

Teresa McGee, mitigating, said Lilley started using drugs about a year ago and began selling them to pay for his own addiction.

"He is deeply ashamed of his behaviour particularly the anguish he has caused his family," she added.

Published Tuesday, March 19, 2002