Celebrity items and memorabilia will come under the hammer to raise money for a charity to help the blind.

Among the items up for auction are signed boxing gloves from Chris Eubank, an autographed framed picture of Norman Wisdom, and a signed photo of Henry Cooper.

There is also a hamper donated by Al Fayad from Harrods, and a special edition one dollar coin marking the September 11 disaster which was presented to members of the emergency services.

A one-off framed prototype training shirt signed by the 1998 West Ham football team, has also been donated by Dave Green, of the the Bath House pub in Walton.

The auction takes place at Tracks Club, Kirby, on March 30 and there will be music from Terry Gerome and Judy G. For tickets, which cost £5, call 07765 653955, Tracks on 01255 679494, or the Bath House on 01255 675848

Published Tuesday, March 19, 2002