Education bosses have performed an embarrassing U-turn and reversed controversial advice on teachers' strike pay, it has emerged.

The National Union of Teachers (NUT) had attacked Essex County Council for recommending "divisive" and "unfair" pay deductions for staff involved in industrial action on Thursday.

However, Iris Pummell, cabinet member for children's services and schools, admitted the letter, distributed to south Essex heads, had been sent without her permission.

It recommended heads dock 1/195th of a teacher's annual salary, compared with previous levels of 1/365th.

Mrs Pummell said: "We will be following the line laid out in the staff book of pay and conditions which is to only dock 1/365th.

"As well as this, no note will be made on any teacher's records. I was extremely annoyed at this mix-up and it was a misunderstanding about the new council set-up."

Jerry Glazier, south Essex organiser of the NUT, said he was extremely pleased good sense had prevailed and expressed his gratitude for Mrs Pummell's intervention.

Meanwhile, the union continues to lobby ministers for south Essex living allowances - currently £765 - to be increased by a third but ministers are only offering £27.

Further strike action, seen as a last resort by those in the industry, seems unlikely.

Published Wednesday, March 20, 2002