Worried residents are to launch a petition following a proposed GM crop trial in a Tendring village.

Lodge Farm in Weeley is one of 35 maize sites that has been selected to take part in the controversial trials.

At a meeting of Weeley Parish Council last night, councillors heard how former parish councillor Brenda Rooney, of Tendring, and Vreda Goouge, a former council clerk, of Weeley, had written letters explaining their concerns.

Mrs Rooney, who is setting up the petition, said today: "The thing that worries and alarms me is the crossing of species which is against all the laws of nature this is just so unnatural.

"You just don't know what toxic bacteria is going to merge and we don't know how to treat it."

The parish council has been sent information from the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs and Aventis, a company linked with the crops, explaining how the trials will affect them.

Derek Whitnell, chairman of the parish council, told the meeting: "I think it is a foregone conclusion that it will happen. We have only had one letter from someone in the village but if we do get any more we will pass them on."

Parish councillor Margaret Carter said GM crops were only sprayed once with pesticide whereas normal crops were sprayed four times a year.

She said: "The general public do not seem to understand this and that is what the trials are all about."

Published Tuesday, March 19, 2002