An infant school teacher is swapping finger-painting for running as she prepares for the London Marathon.

Class act - marathon hopeful Jackie May trains before an appreciative audience. Picture: ROBIN WOOSEY 86HJL4

Jackie May, 46, of Lincewood school, Langdon Hills, was volunteered for the race by daughter Colette, 21.

She has already raised £1,500 for her chosen charity, Link Radio, a Hadleigh-based station which broadcasts to elderly people's homes 24 hours a day.

She said: "I had never run before. I have been training four evenings a week and can now run 15 miles."

Jackie, of Rosebury Avenue, Langdon Hills, added: "The marathon is a personal challenge. It is hard when you work full time. I don't know if I will do the marathon again. I am looking forward to it but I am also quite anxious."

She hopes to raise at least £2, 500 - enough to link another sheltered housing unit to the radio station.

Published Monday, March 18, 2002