Linford sitcom fanatic Jenna Cromey was jumping for joy when she won the chance of a lifetime - a walk-on part in the hit TV show Friends!

Fizzing with joy - the champagne treatment has already started for Jenna, who celebrated her good news with workmates. Main picture: STEVE O'CONNELL 89DTF2

The 21-year-old sales co-ordinator, who works in Basildon, is to travel to Los Angeles to meet the cast and prepare for her appearance.

Jenna, of Devonshire Gardens, won the trip at the end of a week-long Radio One competition.

She had to answer questions based on the popular comedy show, and finally won the contest on Friday morning after answering how many minutes Friends has been on air for the first seven series.

Jenna, who turns 22 just before her trip, said it would be "the best birthday present ever". She said: "It's all a bit weird at the moment - I just can't believe it!"

She added: "Just to be on the set will be amazing. This is a dream come true, even just going abroad or to win any competition."

Jenna, who works at electric component distributors Compstock Electronics Group in Paycocke Road, Basildon, is set to make the trip during the Easter break.

Published Monday, March 18, 2002