A young woman found in possession of Ecstasy pills in a Chelmsford night club was on Friday ordered to do 80 hours community service.

Saffron Chambers, 19, of Coram Green, Hutton, Brentwood, admitted possessing 20 Ecstasy pills.

She denied and was cleared by a jury of possessing Ecstasy with intent to supply.

Recorder John Coffey Q.C. ordered Chambers to pay £25 prosecution costs and told her, "Society is simply not prepared to tolerate possession of class A drugs. This is very serious misconduct on your part."

Mandy McLean, prosecuting, at Chelmsford Crown Court said on July 22 last year Chambers went to Zeus night club in Chelmsford. She came to the attention of door staff who suspected her of having drugs.

She was searched and inside her handbag staff found a bag containing 20 Ecstasy tablets.

Chambers was later arrested and interviewed by police. She admitted having the drugs in the nightclub and said she had found them two weeks before in a forest.

Sarah Buckingham, mitigating, said at the time Chambers had plunged into the world of drug taking and she now recognised she had got to reflect on her behaviour and lifestyle.

The whole trial had been an overwhelming and frightening experience for her, she said.

Published Monday, March 18, 2002