A fast food retailer has ordered its drivers to stop delivering pizzas to a Southend estate because it is too dangerous.

Bitter taste - Scott Andrews shows the leaflets and menu he received through his letter box from Pizza Hut advertising home deliveries. But when he tried to order a pizza he was told there was a ban on deliveries to the Kursaal estate as it was deemed too dangerous. Picture: LUAN MARSHALL 88DY65

Pizza Hut claims it is acting in the interests of its workers by banning them from the Woodgrange estate, formerly the Kursaal estate, despite sending out promotional offers to residents.

It follows a series of incidents which have been reported to police, the company said.

Furious Scott Andrews, 30, of Pierot Steps, received a Pizza Hut leaflet through his door and decided to order a £10.99 meal deal to share with his partner Naomi Brown.

Scott said: "I couldn't believe it when the man on the phone said that they did not deliver to the Kursaal estate. I was really angry so I asked to speak to the manager.

"He said it was the company's policy was not to deliver to the Kursaal estate as it was a rough estate and two of their drivers' bikes had been stolen while they had been there making deliveries."

Scott complained to Pizza Hut's head office and was told he would receive a letter outlining its policy. He has yet to receive any response.

A spokeswoman for Pizza Hut said: "At Pizza Hut we always put the safety of our staff first.

"Unfortunately due to a number of instances on the Kursaal estate, which have put our drivers in danger, we have a policy of not delivering to this area.

"We worked closely with the police on all these incidents and we will be meeting with the housing association responsible for the Kursaal Estate in due course to discuss the matter.

"We hope that in time we can resume the delivery service to customers on the estate, once we are satisfied that our drivers will not be at risk."

Published Monday, March 18, 2002