An unprovoked attack on a stranger in a Chelmsford nightspot left a man scarred for life, a court heard.

Colin Winestein, 22, of Pyms Road, Galleywood, was jailed for three years and nine months. He admitted causing grievous bodily harm to Ashley Baker in Edwards bar, Chelmsford, on August 25.

Kieran Galvin, prosecuting at Chelmsford Crown Court on Friday, said Mr Baker was drinking with a friend in Edwards late in the evening. They were on the balcony because it was crowded downstairs.

Winestein did not know Mr Baker, but tapped him on the shoulder, asked what his problem was and thrust a pint glass into his face. The glass shattered and Mr Baker had 10 stitches put into multiple facial cuts. Doctors said there would be minimal but permanent scarring.

John Caudle, mitigating, said Winestein realised he could have blinded Mr Baker and was extremely remorseful. He remembered little of what happened.

He snapped that night from pressure caused by his pregnant girlfriend losing their twins and then throwing him out of their home. He was depressed and turned to drink. Those who knew him said he acted out of character, the court heard.

Published Monday, March 18, 2002