A Witham householder's son received antibiotics after he was bitten by a man he thought was a burglar, a court heard.

Stuart Cason chased and caught James Morris after seeing two men attempting to scale his father's six feet high back garden fence, Sarah Buckingham prosecuting, told Chelmsford Crown court on Friday.

Morris ran off but when caught by Mr Cason banged Mr Cason's head on the ground and bit his back.

Ms Buckingham said the Crown accepted Morris's explanation that he wanted to enter the garden to urinate.

Packaging and transport worker, Morris admitted assault causing actual bodily harm on June 10. He had previous convictions for burglary and assault.

Recorder David Turner Q.C. imposed 100 hours community work, £300 compensation to Mr Cason and £200 prosecution costs.

John Caudle, mitigating, said Morris accepted he used more force than necessary to get away from a man who thought he was a burglar.

Published Monday, March 18, 2002