A wheelchair-bound 60-year-old is starting a six-month prison sentence for fraudulently claiming nearly £10,000 in income support.

George Lamb, of Jena Close, Shoebury, pleaded guilty to four charges of illegally claiming benefits and asked for another 30 similar matters to be taken into consideration.

Lamb, who has lost his right leg just below the knee through illness, had been signing a declaration that he was eligible for a certain level of benefit, even though his wife had been working since March 2000.

By the time he was found out in July 2001 he had overclaimed £9,730.

Speaking at Southend Magistrates' Court, Lamb's defence solicitor said: "Mr and Mrs Lamb got into a lot of debt because they are not people who are good at dealing with money.

"They took desperate measures because of their desperate needs and when he was found out, Mr Lamb made full admissions at the earliest available opportunity."

He added: "He obviously has considerable physical problems and I have been instructed by his doctor that a custodial sentence would also cause him mental health problems."

Magistrates' bench chairman, Louise Gloyne, said: "Despite considerable personal mitigating circumstances, we have no option but to impose a custodial sentence."

Lamb was sentenced to three months each for the first two charges to run consecutively and three months each for the second two charges to run concurrently. No order was made for costs.

Published Monday, March 18, 2002