A Maldon businesswoman is hoping that a public appeal will lead to the return of four valuable dolls houses - and a precious, tiny bear.

Mrs Linda Morton had packed the dolls houses with items of furniture stored at a removal company in Little Hyde Lane, Ingatestone, when she moved to a new home in Fambridge Road, Maldon in May last year.

Four months later, when Mrs Morton went to pick up the goods, she discovered the owner of the company, had died. Relatives told her they had no record of the items.

Mrs Morton said: "Three of the houses are modern collectors homes and one is a pre-war dolls house. One of the houses is completely decorated and finished.

"It was months of work - it took me a year just to stitch the stair carpet. And all the miniature collectibles are inside, including my miniature bear. "

Now Mrs Morton hopes that the dolls houses may be discovered by someone who has had items in storage.

She said: "The day that box arrives I will just sit and cry the whole day."

A long-standing colleague of Mr Jeakins' sister, Michelle, said it was too painful for the family to speak about his death.

Published Friday, March 15, 2002