The thrill of pulling on an England vest for a first time was compensation for missing out on individual victory for Southend's Adam Hickey and Thurrock Harrier Andrew Livingstone at Chelmsford's windswept Hylands Park.

On a day with 80mph gales Essex's hopes of glory at the English Schools Cross-country were always going to be with the junior boys. And they certainly did not disappoint.

Hickey might have been beaten for overall glory by Hampshire's Laurence Cox --but he led the home county to team gold in glorious style.

Hickey's time of 14 mins. 47 secs was six seconds behind Cox with Livingstone third, a further three seconds back.

The local duo also easily made the top eight placings who will make up the junior boys' team who will contest the home internationals at Derby on Saturday week.

Hickey, a pupil at Southend High and member of Southend AC, admitted his delight at earning his international debut, but added: "I'm disappointed because I thought I could win. I was trying to chase him but I had a few breathing problems."

Cox admitted that he couldn't believe his success, adding: "I've raced Adam ten times this season and never beaten him."

Westcliff High's Mark Bailey finished 11th in 15.22 and Shoebury High's Chris Lee 12th, two seconds behind.

Hickey, Bailey, Lee and Southend High's David Crichton, 90th, are all part of Ron Dawson's crack squad at Southend AC.

Published Friday, March 15, 2002