A children's charity is to be established in Basildon inspired by the heart-warming story of a little girl's battle with cancer.

Fundraisers - Sharon Catto and Jean McCarthy. Picture: LUAN MARSHALL 87NTW1

Four-year-old Jessica Jones was diagnosed with a rare form of the disease in her spine and lungs last year and has been going through painful chemotherapy and faces an operation in September.

Her cousin Sharon Catto, of Hawbush Green, Basildon, and other friends rallied around to raise funds to send her on holiday to Disneyworld in Florida.

But Jessica's plight won the hearts of Basildon residents who raised far more than the £8,500 required for the trip.

All the extra cash will be used to establish a charity to bring happiness to the lives of other children in the town suffering because of illness.

The Children's Wishing Well, due to be up and running within the next few weeks, will help children with all types of illnesses and disabilities.

Published Friday, March 15, 2002