Colchester United boss Steve Whitton will say just three little words to his Colchester United players before they do battle with QPR tomorrow - go for it!

Incensed by the manner of last Saturday's defeat at Peterborough, where his team came under fire for their very poor showing, the frustrated U's boss is demanding a major improvement against QPR in front of the Layer Road fans.

With excitement and goals in mind Whitton is ordering his team to 'take the bull by the horns and really go for it with no regrets from now until the end of the season.'

Whitton said: "We've got seven games to play and we're currently eight points clear of the relegation battle.

"Another four to six points will surely see us safe for another year and I will be ordering the boys to give it everything we've got and see where we end up at the end of the season."

Whitton stressed: "My main priority is to keep this club in the Second Division and my original goals have never changed.

"I'm still determined to finish higher in the table and with more points than we achieved last season.

"You don't always get what you deserve in football, as our adventurous play has proved on more than one occasion already.

"Sure we have still got some tough games left, but what's keeping me positive is the way we played against promotion-chasing Stoke a couple of weeks ago even though we lost.

"QPR are also in with a chance of making the play-offs and will surely be going all out to beat us tomorrow.

"But my players' task from now on couldn't be more simple - we've got to go for it!"

With up to eight players - not counting long term injury victims Joe Dunne and Chris Keeble - struggling to be fit it's already looking like a case of all hands to the pumps against Rangers tomorrow.

Central defender Alan White has only a 50-50 chance of playing because of an ankle injury; gastric flu victim Karl Duguid is rated very doubtful, while Gavin Johnson (hip injury) and Adrian Coote (three wisdom teeth extracted) are unlikely to make it.

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Published Friday, March 15, 2002