The first stage in the possible removal of the controversial bus lane in North Hill, Colchester, is moving a step closer.

The council's plans for alternative traffic arrangements in North Hill are due to go on show very soon.

If the public agree to the plans, the next step would be for the council to apply for funding for the project, the cost of which is not yet known.

The bus lane, which cost £30,000, was introduced in March, 1999, but immediately and continuously met with opposition.

Chris Arnold, portfolio holder for environment and transport, presented plans to change the road layout to the council in January. They met with no opposition from other groups.

Mr Arnold said: "We are not yet at a stage to go public. We are waiting for such things as artist's impressions. They are being worked on and should be coming through in the next couple of weeks or so.

"The exhibition will be well publicised. We will probably have something on in the town centre on a Saturday. People get the chance to see what is proposed."

The plans include tarmac one lane up one lane down, realignment of the footpath on the east side.

Published Thursday, March 14, 2002