Hi-tech radios bought for police have been proving a success in a crackdown on crime in Leigh, it was revealed today.

Leigh Crime Prevention Panel was told that even in the last few days the radios, used in undercover police patrols and operations, have proved a valuable aid in apprehending suspects.

Members of the panel heard from Sgt Jack Lawmon of Leigh police that even the initial two radio sets bought by the panel in January had proved their worth and it was agreed to fund a further four radios from panel funds.

Sgt Lawmon said: "They have proved to be very successful. They are very simple to use, can work over 2,000 metres and can be carried in a pocket."

Members were delighted to hear Sgt Lawmon's account of how the radios had proved themselves in action in one example when officers apprehended burglary suspects in Southend.

He said: "We went there with these radios and the suspects broke into two groups and we were able to follow them and still keep in contact with each other.

The special radios can avoid crossing frequencies with other police and civilian channels. Sgt Lawmon said that he could see many uses for the radios, including policing events through the year, such as Chalkwell Park Fair.

Published Thursday, March 14, 2002