Essex has been snubbed in its bids for city status, and Preston, in the North of England, is set to become England's newest city.

Disappointed - Colchester mayor Mike Hogg outside Colchester Castle

Today's announcement means bids from Colchester, Chelmsford and Southend have been ignored.

Colchester mayor Mike Hogg said he was disappointed at the news.

"I am disappointed for all those who put the jubilee bid together and worked so hard. It is a great shame but I cannot say it was unexpected.

"I wish all those who gained city status well and there are no sour grapes."

Applications had been received from 42 towns 26 from England, six from Wales, four from Scotland and six from Northern Ireland and from 17 cities for a Lord Mayorality, and the bids had been under consideration since the closing date in October.

More in today's Evening Gazette tomorrow's Evening Echo and this week's Essex Chronicle

Published Thursday, March 14, 2002