Posties have been put on red alert following a series of mail bag thefts.

Concerned - Pat Patel by the post box outside his post office in Hadleigh. Picture: LUAN MARSHALL 87KHB5

Royal Mail is working with police to stop thieves who have struck seven times in the last month - five times in Benfleet and twice on Canvey.

Pat Patel who owns a post office in Woodfield Road, Hadleigh, heard about the spate of crime from a postman.

He said: "It is a terrible state of affairs. People need to know what's going on and told that their letters have gone missing."

A Royal Mail spokeswoman confirmed the thefts had all happened in the last month.

She said: "Royal Mail is taking these thefts very seriously and we treat the safety and security of our customers mail with the utmost importance - we are now working closely with Rayleigh police over these thefts.

"All staff have been briefed about this and warned to be vigilant and report anything they see that they think might be suspicious."

Anyone who witnesses a theft should call PC Ned Kelly at Rayleigh police on 01268-775533 or Crimestoppers on 0800 555111

Anyone who is concerned about their mail or think they may have has mail go missing, can call Royal Mail customer service centre on 08457 740740

Published Thursday, March 14, 2002